Damage Localization in Plates Using DLVs


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Table of Contents

Damage Localization in Plates Using DLVs

Linear Damage Characterization

Basic Model Update Approach

Localization Strategies

Features of a Localization Technique

The Damage Locating Vector Approach

Computation of L

Localization using [L]

Proof – cont.

Relationship between damage and N(DF)

Number of rows in [r], nb

Inseparable Elements

Implementation for Imprecise and/or Incomplete Data


How nsi relates to si [DF] in the damaged region

nsi & snv


PPT Slide

Discrete vs. Continuous Systems

Mesh Description

DLV Selection (Mesh 1)

Two Adjacent Elements

DLV Selection (Mesh 2)

DLV Selection Using ‘svn’

svn = ? nsi

Outline of Examples

DLV Technique – Static, No Noise

Static results with noise

Dynamic -Truncated Modes (Damage Case 1)

Dynamic - Truncated Modes (Damage Case 2)

Dynamic - Identification of Flexibility


Author: Diane Cunningham

Email: bvuran@lynx.neu.edu