Rational Rose Tips


One of the most common questions about using Rational Rose to create class diagrams is, "How do I get it to show mandatory containment?"  Here, in 5 easy steps, is how to draw an association, change it to Aggregation, and then to Containment.


Create two classes and place them on your class diagram.

Step 2:

Using the Association tool, draw an association from one class to the other.

Step 3:

To change from a simple association to a voluntary containment (Aggregation) association, right-click on the source (CAuto) side of the association and checking Aggregate.

Step 4:

To change the type of the association to mandatory containment, right-click on the destination (CWheel) side of the association, and check Containment of CWheel -> By Value.

Step 5:

To make the association bi-directional, right-click on the source (CAuto) side of the association and check Navigable.

This page was last updated October 18, 2002 by Charles Dale.