About Me
I am an Associate Research Scientist at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University. I work at Next Generation Networks and Systems (GENESYS) lab, directed by Prof. Kaushik Roy Chowdhury. I received my PhD degree in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Mainak Chatterjee in Spring 2020 from Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida. I also received Master of Science (Spring 2018) in Computer Science from the same university. [More in my CV]
Research Interests
Recent Accomplishments and Highlights
Listed are some of the projects I have been working with Prof. Kaushik Chowdhury and astounding members of Genesys lab.

Next-Generation Deep Spectrum Learning in Sub-6 GHz
In this project we solve the problem of signal detection and identification from overlapped signals using machine learning based solutions. This project is funded through IARPA and NSF SWIFT program. We have 2 papers accepted for publication in IEEE conferences from this project.
Autonomous Edge based Robot Connectivity and Mobility
In this project we solve the problem of delivering low-latency, reliable connectivity in Industry 4.0 autonomous systems using reinforcement learning based solutions. This is a collaboration project with Intel Corporation. We have one article under submission in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and one under preparation.
Multiverse at the Edge: Interacting Virtual and Real Worlds for Automative Wireless Beamforming
In this project we solve the problem of automative beamforming in mmWave band using an interactive communication between real and virtual world which provides a multiverse of digital twins. We have one article under submission in Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, and one in preparation.Awards and Services
Editorial Board
TPC Member
Technical Talks
Reviewer in Journals
Reviewer in Conferences
Copyright Notice. Citation details: Google ScholarBook Chapters
Journals and Transactions
Conference Proceedings
Professional Experience
Below are the different datasets that were created in the projects where I have been involved. The link to download the data is given in the corresponding dataset.
Massive MIMO Channel Estimations Datasets
Massive multiple input and multiple output (mMIMO) is a critical component in upcoming 5G wireless deployment as an enabler for high data rate communications. mMIMO is effective when each corresponding antenna pair of the respective transmitter-receiver arrays experiences an independent channel. We publish a simulation dataset containing CSI information of mmWave band with a 32-element array base station, and a user equipment with a 4-element array, collected in MATLAB. (More Details)
Multimodal Fusion for NextG V2X Communications Datasets
The V2X communication spans a variety of applications such as collision avoidance safety systems, traffic signal timing, safety alerts to pedestrians, and real-time traffic. In all of the above applications, the communication system must meet the requirement of either low latency or high data rate for safety or quality of service reasons. We publish different real-world datasets to the research community for using non-RF data such as camera images, LiDAR, and GPS to solve different RF related problems to meet those requirements. (More Details)