MIM 3531 / NTU QM 711-F
Operations Research II
Winter 2003 Syllabus
Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Northeastern University
Professor: Dr. Emanuel Melachrinoudis emelas@coe.neu.edu
Office: 375 SN, Phone: (617)373-4850, Fax: (617)373-2921
Course Web Page: www.coe.neu.edu/~emelas/mim3531.htm and at
Required Text: 1. Hillier F. S. and G. J. Lieberman, Introduction
to Operations Research, 7th ed., 2001, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-248866-2;
2. MIM 3531/ NTU 711-F Operations Research II Class
Packet, Lecture Notes by Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Winter 2003
NTU students obtain textbook and classpak from Total Information; NU
students from NU bookstore
Prerequisite: MIM 3400, Basic Probability and Statistics.
Students are also expected to review Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the textbook
Office Hours: W 5:00-6:00, Th 5:00-6:00
Exams and Grading Policy
During exams students are allowed to use a prepared double-sided sheet
with formulae, notes, etc.
The grade composition will be: homework 10%, Mid-term 1 1/2 hour exam
35% and 2 hours final exam 55%.
Optional Book References
Taha A. H., Operations Research, an Introduction, Macmillan,
Winston W., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms,
Duxbury Press, 1994.