IEM G205 

Fall 2005 Syllabus

Northeastern University

Instructor: Dr. Emanuel Melachrinoudis
Office: 339 SN, Northeastern University; Phone: (617) 373-4850; Fax: (617) 373-2921
Office Hours: M, Th  4:30-5:30
Personal Web Page:
Course Web Page on Blackboard:

Prerequisite: Linear Algebra, B.S. in Engineering or related science.
Students are also expected to review Appendices 1, 2 and 4 from textbook.

Textbook: Hillier F. S. and G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, 8th ed., McGraw Hill, 2005.
Classpak: IEM G205 Deterministic Operations Research, Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Fall 2005.

Course Software:

Computer software such as LINGO, MPL and Excel solvers are included in a CD-ROM coming with the textbook (courseware).

Interactive routines (IOR Tutorial) are included in the CD-ROM or they can be downloaded from the textbook's webpage by selecting "Research Tutorial" and clicking on "IOR Tutorial". An updated free trial version of LINGO can be also downloaded from the web site of LINDO Systems Inc., .  Northeastern University students can also access the full version of the software within the NU Network: NUnet - College of Engineering - LINGO 7.0.

Homework Assignments:
Questions in the texbook problems may suggest the use of the Demo (D), Interactive (I), or Computer (C) mode of the courseware.

D means that the demonstration example in OR tutor in your courseware will be helpful in solving the problem.
I means that it is suggested to use the interactive routines to solve the problem. The Interactive routines are included in the IOR Tutorial mentioned in the Course Software.
C mode means that you use a computer code, such as Excel Solver, Premium Solver or MPL/CPLEX which are included in your courseware, or you use the LINGO software. See instructions for using LINGO in Appendix 3.1 (p.81) of the textbook and in LINGO  software.

LINGO can be used in an explicit form of the equations mode (expanded mode) or in a modeling language mode (concise mode). Unless use of the modeling language mode is explicitly stated in your homework, solution by LINGO implies expanded form.

Homework problems are assigned at the end of each class and will be posted on the course’s blackboard web page. They are due at the beginning of the following class and they won't be collected later unless there is advanced notification stating the reasons for not handing the homework on time. Electronic submission, especially for Video Streaming students, to the TA Z. Maria Wang at is encouraged. Homework solutions will be posted on the course’s blackboard web page.

Exams and Grading Policy
During exams, students are allowed to use a prepared double-sided sheet with formulae, notes, etc. Sample exams with solutions will be posted on the web to assist in exam preparation.
The grade composition will be: homework 10%; Two 75 minutes long mid-term exams at 25% each; 2 hours final exam 40%.

Optional Book References
Taha A. H., Operations Research, an Introduction, Macmillan, 1992.
Winston W., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, Duxbury Press, 1997.

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