Office: 306 Dana Research Center
- Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
- M.S. Management Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, 2006
- B.S. Information and Systems Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, 2005
- ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation
- Global Impact Scholarship (Fall 2010-Summer 2011)
- ARCS Scholarship (Fall 2011-Summer 2012)
- George Fellowship, Health Systems Institute, Georgia Institute of Techonlogy
- National Defense Transportation Association Scholarship (Fall 2007)
- Omega: The International Journal of Management Science Best Reviewer of 2010 Award
- "Jacqueline Griffin: PhD Student Helps World Vision Improve Deworming Process in Zambia." The Industrial and Systems Engineering Alumni Magazine 2:1 (2008)
Research Interests
My research focuses on the development of new models and operations research methods to address the complexities of decision making in health and humanitarian systems. In particular, I examine decision making in the presence of multiple competing objectives in real-world applications. With a focus on real-time dynamic decision making, my research includes the development of new methodologies and algorithms related to optimization, Markov decision processes, queueing systems, and stochastic programming.Some of my recent and ongoing research areas include:
- Dynamic Bed Management - Develop new methods to harness the value of bed management information systems to support the complex operations of assigning patients to limited beds within an individual hosptials or a network of hospitals
- Disaster Preparedness and Evacuation Planning - Develop new algorithms, which utilize real-time information, to support timely and successful evacuation planning in urban coastal areas
- Patient Flow Simulation and Optimization - Develop new simulation models that more accurately represent complexities of patient flow and hospital systems. Through use of optimization and simulation methodologies identify opportunities for improvement.
- Optimal Investment Strategies for Disease Prevention or Mitigation - Develop new models to address the relationship between disease prevention methods, epidemiology, and external factors while also examining the impact on equity and efficiency.
Refereed Journal Articles- J. Griffin, P. Keskinocak, C. Stokes, N. O'Hara, and A Vats (2012) "Development of Patient-Bed Assignment Algorithms to Support Bed Management Processes for Improvements in the Rate of Overflow Assignments and Average Request to Assign Metrics," Critical Care Medicine 40(12):1-328 doi: {10.1097/01.ccm.0000424370.85355.df}
- D.V. Laborde, J.A. Griffin, H.K. Smalley, P. Keskinocak, and G. Mathew, "A Framework for Assessing Patient Crossover and Health Information Exchange Value," Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. doi: {10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000140}
- J.A. Griffin, S. Xia, S. Peng, and P. Keskinocak,"Improving Patient Flow in an Obstetric Unit," Health Care Management Science. doi: {10.1007/s10729-011-9175-6}
- J. Griffin, J. Swann, and P. Keskinocak. "Allocating Scarce Healthcare Resources in Developing Countries: A Case for Malaria Prevention." Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management. Ed. Brian Denton. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. Springer Science + Business Media New York 2013 {10.1007/978-1-4614-5885-2_20}
- J. Griffin and P. Keskinocak "Patient-Bed Assignment Policies in Hospital Systems," INFORMS 2013 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. June 2013.
- J. Griffin and P. Keskinocak "Patient-Bed Assignment Policies in Hospital Systems," MOPTA 2013, Bethlehem, PA. August 2013.
- J. Griffin and P. Keskinocak "Patient-Bed Assignment Policies in Hospital Systems," INFORMS Healthcare 2013, Chicago, IL. June 2013.
- J. Griffin and P. Keskinocak "Patient-Bed Assignment Policies in Hospital Systems," Annual Meeting of POMS, Denver, CO. May 2013.
- J. Griffin (speaker) and P. Keskinocak. "The Bed Manager's Dilemma: A Dynamic Bed Assisgnment Problem," INFORMS 2012 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. October 2012.
- J. Griffin (speaker), H. Smalley, M. Soldner, P. Keskinocak, and J. Swann. ``Designing a Malaria Intervention Supply Chain: A Case Study and Interactive Game," INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. November 2011.
- J. Griffin (speaker), S. Xia, S. Peng, and P. Keskinocak."Improving Patient Flow in an Obstetric Unit," INFORMS Health Care Conference 2011, Montreal, Canada. June 2011.
- J. Griffin (speaker), H. Smalley, P. Keskinocak, D. Laborde, and G. Mathew, "A Framework for Assessing Patient Crossover and Health Information Exchange Value," Health Systems Institute Student Symposium, Atlanta, GA. May 2011.
- J. Griffin (speaker), H. Smalley, M. Soldner, P. Keskinocak, J. Swann,"Designing a Malaria Intervention Supply Chain: A Case Study and Interactive Game," CDC Modeling for Public Health: From Epidemiology to Operations, Atlanta, GA. December 2010.
- J. Griffin (speaker), P. Griffin, M. Savelsbergh, "Impact of Infrastructure in African Health Care Delivery," INFORMS 2009 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. November 2010.
- J. Griffin (speaker), P. Griffin, M. Savelsbergh, "Interactions of Infrastructure and Equitability in African Health Care Delivery," INFORMS 2009 Annual Meeting San Diego, CA. October 2009.
- J. Griffin (speaker), P. Griffin, M. Savelsbergh,"Optimizing Health Care Delivery in Sub Saharan Africa," INFORMS 2008 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. October 2008.
- W. Glankwamdee (speaker), J. Griffin, J. Linderoth, and J. Shen, "Easing Rescheduling Complexity for a Bulk Gas Production and Distribution Problem," INFORMS 2006 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. November 2006.
- J. Linderoth (speaker), W. Glankwamdee, J. Griffin, and J. Shen, "Easing Rescheduling Complexity for a Bulk Gas Production and Distribution Problem," DIMACS Workshop on COLCE, Annadale, NJ. April 2006.
Certification- Higher Education Teaching Certification Level B, Tech to Teaching Program, Georgia Tech Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
- IE 6XXX: Systems Engineering in Public Programs, TBD
- IE 4515: Introduction to Operations Research, Fall 2013
- IE 4525: Supply Chain and Logistics, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013
- HS 6000: Health Care Delivery, Spring 2010 (Georgia Tech)
- ISyE 3103: Introduction to Supply Chain Modeling: Transportation and Logistics, Summer 2009 (Georgia Tech)
- Assisted in development of Health and Humanitarian Logistics Course Series (Georgia Tech)
- J. Griffin, H. Smalley, M. Soldner, P. Keskinocak, and J. Swann (2010). "Designing a Malaria Intervention Supply Chain: A Case Study and Game."
- The case study and game focus on the decisions made in the design of malaria spraying operations including locating distribution centers, scheduling deployment of spray teams, and allocating scare resources. The case study provides a real world application of operations research tools including linear programming and heuristic development. Through a computer simulation, students experience the consequences of design decisions including tradeoffs and complexities in allocation of scarce resources. The game and case have been used in a variety of universities and courses including Universita della Swizzera Italiana (Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management), Georgia Tech(Introduction to Health Care Delivery, Transportation and Supply Chain Logistics, Advanced Optimization), Southern Polytechnic State University (Advanced Logistics), University of Arkansas, and Penn State University.
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if you are interested in using these materials in your course.