ECE Capstone Design - Prof. Kimani
EECE4790/4792: Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone 1 & 2

Capstone 1 Syllabus:

Office Hours (MS Teams):


Capstone Lab Location:
Hayden 009

EECE 4790: Capstone 1 - Summer 2 2023
Course Description and Overview: In the first phase, students form teams to carry out a design project. They identify a need and device a product to fill the need. The project selected requires the design and implementation of an electrical, electronic, and/or software system. Students come up with a project plan that needs to outline the specifications and task that are to be completed in time, and within the budget. They select the materials needed for their project, provide cost analysis, and perform a feasibility study by extensive simulation or prototype design of subsystems to facilitate the second phase of the capstone design. The design must meet all the specifications and requirements, and students must submit and present a detailed proposal for the project plan.

EECE 4792: Capstone 2 - Fall 2023
Course Description and Overview: Continues EECE 4790. Requires students to design and implement the project proposed in the earlier course. This design phase involves technical activities such as specifications, hardware and software design and development, documentation, prototype construction, and testing. Expects students to evaluate progress with interim milestone reports and to present the final design project with written and oral reports.

Course Components: In addition to the teams working on their project on their own time, the course ia also made up of the following components
  • Weekly meetings
  • Weekly written progress reports
  • Final written report
  • Final oral presentation
  • Design prototype demonstration
  • Peer Evaluations
Other Important Course Information:
  • Purchases: Coming soon
Handouts: coming soon

Capstone Design Lab Equipment (008 Hayden): Shopping for Components, Kits, Circuit Boards, & Other Hardware: Free PCB (Printed Circuit Board) CAD Software: Low Cost PCB Manufacturers: Popular Components and Project Reference or Related Sites: On-Line Electrical Design, Project & Kit Reference Info: On-Line Science & Technology Sites: University Capstone Project Sites & Info:
See past projects here.