Research topics

Selected Publications

Improve your aim: a Deep Reinforcement Learning approach for 5G NR mmWave beam refinement

IEEE ICC 2023 (accepted, publication pending)

Google Scholar

For a complete list of publications, please check my Google Scholar Profile.

About me

I received my BS in 2013 and MS in 2017 in Computer Science at University of Bologna.

My passion for academic research emerged at the end of my undergraduate studies, when in 2012 I was awarded a 2 years fellowship as a technical student by INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) in Italy. I studied and conducted my own research on heterogeneous computing and GPGPU applications. I had the opportunity to collaborate with different teams at INFN that wanted to integrate these technologies in their experiments.

At the end of my MS, I was selected, along with another student, to participate in a 6 months internship at Datalogic ADC in Pasadena (CA) to work in the field of Deep Learning and Computer Vision applied to OCR systems.

Research interests:

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    Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Complex (ISEC)
    805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120, USA