Directions for Installing and Preparing MASM6.11®
under Win95®
The textbook used in this course comes with MASM6.11®
software on a CD-ROM. These installation directions were created by Prof.
Mohamed Abdulla and James E. Hinds and debugged during the MIM3122 course
in the Fall of 1998.
The advantage of this installation is that it needs NO
change in the system environments. The installed folder can be placed on
a ZIP diskette and this ZIP diskette can then be used in the lab or on
your personal machine. These installation directions can also be followed
to install on a hard disk. If you do install on your personal machine and
you do not have a ZIP drive, you will need to store your source files (*.asm)
on a floppy for transport to the lab machines. You still should create
the installation on a ZIP disk for use at school. For ease of use, copy
the latest versions of your *.asm files from the floppy disk to the ZIP
disk's X:\masm611\bin directory before using in the labs (X is the chosen
drive letter for the ZIP drive).
Part I:
Insert the Assembler CD in CD-ROM drive
· Go to the MASM directory
and run SETUP.EXE [this is a DOS installation]
· Choose Install
· Choose MS-DOS/Microsoft
Windows [middle option]
· Choose YES for all
the questions
· At the question for
destination drive choose C: if you wish to install on the boot
drive OR
· Choose the correct
letter for your ZIP drive [if you have one]
Note: The original installation needs about 8-9 MB, but the
following installation will need about 20 MB on the drive you have chosen
above (This is because you create a working folder which contains all the
files which exist in separate directories normally).
· Accept all the default
· When the Confirmation
screen appears, accept the NO CHANGES offering.
· The installation
will commence and install the files as you have chosen!
· The installation
will show a number of screens, select ENTER until you get to the
MAIN MENU screen.
· Using the arrow keys
on the keyboard, move to the Exit SETUP line and hit Enter.
· The install window
will close, as the installation [from the CD] is finished.
Part II:
Click on the START button in the lower left hand corner
of the WIN95 main window [or Menu BAR].
· Move through the
· Go to the ZIP drive
or the hard disk, depending on where you installed the
· Open the MASM611
directory in the Explorer window.
· Copy the MASM611\bin
directory using the menu commands [Edit/Copy]
[Edit/Paste] [this will create a new
directory called Copy of Bin] Highlight the
new copy directory and rename this directory to
Bin directory by using
· Copy the file contents
of the Help, Include, Init, and Lib directories to this the Bin
directory. Also copy the files in the MASM611
directory with the extension .txt to
the Bin directory.
· Open each directory,
select all the files [Edit/Select All], copy the files
[Edit/Copy], open the Bin directory and paste
the files there [Edit/Paste].
· Do the above copy
command for the Help, Include, Init and Lib directories.
Part III.
Once you have copied all the files to the Bin directory,
open this directory. Choose the file PWB [with the MS-DOS icon] and double
click on it or hit enter.
Once the PWB program is started, the following changes
to the Environment must be ma From the Menu chose:
· Options/Build --
select Debug Options [click on OK]
· Options/Project Templates
-- select Set Project Templates
-- For the RUN TIME SUPPORT choose Assembler then
for the
PROJECT TEMPLATES -- choose DOS EXE [click on
· Options/Language
Options/MASM Options -- Click on Set Debug Options --
Click on Generate Listing File and Generate First
Pass Listing
[Click on OK twice]
· Now you may create
your own assembly code using the PWB editor or load
files created elsewhere.
· NOTE: it is essential
that you use a plain ASCII text editor such as a Notepad to
prepare your source files. Extra formatting elements
are not allowed.
· Be sure to save your
code files before compiling them.
· To compile: from
the menu choose Project/Build All.
· If successful, you
will have a report window with a Run and/or Debug option,
or else you will only have a Report window
that will give you errors in your code.
Note the line numbers listed to find the errors.