Homework #2 due Feb 2

Ch. 3: Review Questions: 29, 34, 35
Ch. 3: Programming Exercises: 1 (use DEBUG); 3,  4 (use MASM)
Ch. 4: Review Questions: 12, 16, 19
Ch. 4: Programming Exercises: 3, 4 (use MASM)

Additional problems:

1. Use DEBUG's assemble command to find out what the machine language instructions
are for the following:

mov ax,20
mov bx,10
add ax,bx,
int 20

2. Use MASM to write a program that finds the sum of three 8-bit values and places it in
memory at location sums. Then compute the sum of three word variables, and place it in memory
at location sums+2. Use the following data:

byte_array db 10h, 20h, 30h
word_array dw 1000h, 2000h, 3000h
sums       dw 0, 0

Modify byte_array so it contains the values 0F0h, 0A0h, 7Fh. Run the program again,
observe the calculated sum of byte_array, and explain why it is incorrect.

3. Convert the assembly instruction: mov cx,[bx+di] to machine language and
check your result using DEBUG.