Homework #4 due Mar 1

Ch. 7: Review Questions: 13, 22, 24
Ch. 7: Programming Exercise: 4 (only for room type, number of seats and dept. ID)
Ch 11: Review Questions: 7, 9, 11, 12, 13
Ch 11: Programming Exercise: 1, 3, 5

Additional questions:

1. Why is it that sometimes there may be available bytes on a floppy disk, but DOS will not permit a file to be written to the disk? [Note, there is not a write protect tab on the disk!] Is there any way around this?
2. For the toggle keys, like CapsLock and NumLock, the ROM-BIOS keeps track not only of the current toggle state, but also whether the key is pressed. Even though programs have no normal use for this information, there is a logical reason why ROM-BIOS records it. Why?
3. Suppose I have sufficient video memory to permit 24 bits for each pixel. What is the theoretical maximum number of colors that can appear on the screen simultaneously? If my screen resolution is 1600 x 1200, how many colors can appear simultaneously?
4. Why is the FAT the most critical part of a disk? What makes it more important than the directory portion? If the FAT is damaged, is there any way to reconstruct it?