IRVINE.LIB Link Library

Unfortunately, the documentation for the book's link library (IRVINE.LIB) in Appendix E is not as good as it should be. The following documentation was taken directly from the libarary source code, and it does a better job of explaining how to call the procedures.

Close a file handle. Input: BX = file handle.

Clears the entire screen and locates the cursor at row 0, column 0. No parameters. Works only on
video page 0, in text mode.

Create a new file using a given filename. Input parameter: DX = offset of filename. Output: AX = file handle

Writes a carriage return / linefeed sequence (0Dh,0Ah) to standard output.

Causes the program to pause for n seconds. Input parameter: EAX contains the number of seconds.

Writes an error message to the standard error output device (the console). Input parameter: AX contains an MSDOS error code.

Gets a copy of the DOS Command Tail at PSP:80h.  Input parameters: BX = the PSP segment and DS:SI points to a buffer to hold a copy of the Command Tail.

Get the Device BPB table for a disk drive, found in its device driver. Input parmeters: BL = drive number (0 = default drive, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.). Output: AX points to a ParameterStruc (structure) where DOS stores the device information.

Returns the amount of free space on a selected drive. Input: AL = drive (0=A, 1=B, 2=C). Output: DX:AX = free space.

Returns the size (in bytes) of a specified disk drive. Input parameters: AL = drive number (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.). Output: DX:AX = disk space.

Get the current system time.Input parameter: DS:SI points to a TimeRecord structure.

Locates the cursor at row, col on video page zero. Input parameters: DH = row, DL = column.

Open a file for input. Input parameter: DX = offset of ASCIIZ file name. Output: AX = file handle.

Open a file for output. Input parameter: DX = offset of ASCIIZ file name. Output: AX = file handle.

Convert the BCD value in AL to a binary byte, which is returned in AL.

Reseeds the random number generator. No input or output required.

Return an unsigned pseudorandom 32-bit integer in EAX, between 0 and n1. Input parameter: EAX = n.

Return an unsigned pseudorandom 32-bit integer in EAX,in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFh.

Reads a single character from standard input without echoing the character or waiting for input. Output: If a character was found, ZF = 0 and AL contains the character. If no character was found, ZF = 1.

Read a signed decimal number from standard input, range 32768 to +32767. Skip leading spaces. Returns the 16-bit binary value of the number in AX. No other registers are changed.

Waits for a key until one is pressed. Returns the scan code in AH and the ASCII code in AL. Cannot be redirected.

Reads a 32-bit signed decimal integer from standard input, stopping when the Enter key (0dh) is read. Leading spaces are ignored. Output: EAX contains the number typed by the user, in binary.

Read a block of data from an input file. Input parameters: DX points to input buffer, BX = file handle, CX = number of bytes to read.

Uses INT 21h to read a string from standard input, stopping when 0Dh is found. Input parameters: DS:DX points to the input buffer, CX = maximum characters that may be typed. Output: The buffer is initialized to an ASCIIZ (null-terminated) string, and AX = size of the input string.

Scrolls all lines in a prescribed window. No range checking is performed on the input parameters:
    CH    Row of the window's upper left corner
    CL    Column of the window's upper left corner
    DH    Row of the window's lower right corner
    DL    Column of the window's lower right corner
    BH    Attribute/color of the scrolled lines

Returns a count of the number of seconds that have elapsed today. Output: EAX contains the return value.

Move the DOS file pointer to the end of file. Input: BX = file handle of an open file Output: DX:AX = new file pointer offset.

Move the DOS file pointer to a specific record in a file. Input parameters: AX = record number, BX = file handle, CX = record length. Output: DX:AX = new file pointer offset.

Set the current video segment address (the default is B800h). Input parameter: AX contains the segment address value.

Write a TimeRecord structure in 24-hour military format to standard output. Input: DS:SI points to the structure.

Compares a string pointed to by DS:SI (called 'first') to a string pointed to by ES:DI (called 'second'). The comparison is case-sensitive, and the Flags register is affected as follows:
    first < second     CF=1, ZF=0
    first = second     CF=0, ZF=1
    first > second     CF=0, ZF=0

Copies a null-terminated source string to a destination string. Input parameters: DS:SI points to the source and ES:DI points to the destination. No range checking is performed on the destination.

Returns the length of a null-terminated string. Input parameter: ES:DI points to the string. Output: AX contains the string length.

Converts a null-terminated string to upper case. Input parameter: DS:SI points to the string.

Reads a single character from standard input without echoing the character. Waits for input. Output: AL contains the character.

Writes the ASCII representation of a packed BCD byte to standard output. Input parameter: AL contains the BCD byte. Also works for binary hexadecimal bytes.

Write a character to standard output, using INT 21h. Input parameter: AL = character.

Write a character directly to video RAM. Input parameters: AL = character, AH = attribute, DH/DL = row, column on screen (0-24, 0-79).

Write a string to the standard error output device (the console). Input parameter: DS:DX points to a null-terminated string.

Writes a 16-bit unsigned binary integer to standard output. Input parameters: AX = value, BX = radix.

Writes a signed binary integer to standard output in ASCII decimal.Input parameter: AX = the binary value.

Writes an unsigned 32-bit number to standard output. Input parameters: EAX = the number to write, and EBX = radix.

Writes a null-terminated string to standard output. Input parameter: DS:DX points to the string.

Write a string directly to video RAM. Input parameters: DS:SI points to a null-terminated string, AH = attribute, DH/DL = row/column on the screen (0-24, 0-79).


TimeRecord struc

  hours db ?

  minutes db ?

  seconds db ?

  hhss db ?

TimeRecord ends



ParameterStruc struc 

  specialFunctions db ?

  deviceType db ?

  deviceAttributes dw ?

  numberCylinders dw ?

  mediaType db ?

  bytesPerSector dw ? 

  sectorsPerCluster db ?

  reservedSectors dw ?

  numberOfFATs db ?

  maxRootDirEntries dw ?

  numberOfSectors dw ?

  mediaDescriptor db ?

  sectorsPerFAT dw ?

  sectorsPerTrack dw ?

  numberOfHeads dw ?

  numHiddenSectors dd ?

  numberSectorsLong dd ?       ; used if numberOfSectors = 0

  reservedBytes db 6 dup(?)

  trackLayout dw 40 dup(0)     ; specific track data

ParameterStruc ends