[355] Pochampally, K. K., Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Strategic Planning Models for Reverse and Closed-loop Supply Chains", CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN: 9781420054781, 2009.
[354] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of Inventory Management in Reverse Supply Chain Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model", Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2008-67374, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2008.
[353] Ondemir, O. and Gupta, S. M., "End-Of-Life Decisions Using Product Life Cycle Information", Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2008-67039, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2008.
[352] Massoud, A. Z. and Gupta, S. M., "Solving the Multi-Period Disassembly-To-Order System under Stochastic Yields, Limited Supply, and Quantity Discount", Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2008-66968, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2008.
[351] Ilgin, M. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Joint Optimization of Transportation and Spare Parts Inventory Policies in a Reverse Logistics Network Using OPTQUEST", Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2008-66682, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 31-Nov. 6, 2008.
[350] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Deterministic Search Algorithm for Sequencing and Scheduling", in Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications, Edited by Fatos Xhafa and Ajith Abraham, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) Series Vol. 128, pp. 105-124, Chapter 5, ISBN: 978-3-540-78984-0, 2008.
[349] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Lexicographic Goal Programming and Assessment Tools for a Combinatorial Production Problem", in Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice, Edited by Lam Thu Bui and Sameer Alam, IGI Global, pp. 151-188, Chapter 6, ISBN: 978-1-59904-498-9, 2008.
[348] Adenso-Diaz, B., Garcia-Carbajal, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Path-Relinking Approach for a Bi-Criteria Disassembly Sequencing Problem", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 12, 3989-3997, 2008.
[347] Ondemir, O. and Gupta, S. M., "Selection of Collection Centers for Reverse Logistic Networks", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 592-596, March 28-30, 2008.
[346] Massoud, A. Z. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Ordering Policy in a Disassembly-to-order System With Limited Supply and Quantity Discount", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 563-568, March 28-30, 2008.
[345] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "An Inventory Control Model for Product Returns", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 557-562, March 28-30, 2008.
[344] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Taguchi Loss Approach to Selection of Collection Centers for Reverse Supply Chain Design", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 586-591, March 28-30, 2008.
[343] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Ordering Policy for Product Acquisition in a Remanufacturing System", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 569-573, March 28-30, 2008.
[342] Ilgin, M. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Using Simulation Optimization for Parts Recovery and Spare Parts Inventory Management in Post Product Life Cycle", Proceedings of the 2008 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Brooklyn, New York, pp. 543-545, March 28-30, 2008.
[341] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "Methods for Optimum and Near Optimum Disassembly Sequencing", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46, No. 11, 2845-2865, 2008.
[340] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Phase Fuzzy Logic Approach to Strategic Planning of a Reverse Supply Chain Network", IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 31, No. 1, 72-82, 2008.
[339] Barba-Gutierrez, Y., Adenso-Diaz, B. and Gupta, S. M., "Lot-Sizing in Reverse MRP for Scheduling Disassembly", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 111, No. 2, 741-751, 2008.
[338] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Multikanban System for Disassembly Line", in Environment Conscious Manufacturing, Edited by S. M. Gupta and A. J. D. Lambert, CRC Press, pp. 311-330, Chapter 7, ISBN: 9780849335525, 2008.
[337] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Line Balancing", in Environment Conscious Manufacturing, Edited by S. M. Gupta and A. J. D. Lambert, CRC Press, pp. 235-310, Chapter 6, ISBN: 9780849335525, 2008.
[336] Pochampally, K. K., Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Quantitative Decision-Making Techniques for Reverse/Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design", in Environment Conscious Manufacturing, Edited by S. M. Gupta and A. J. D. Lambert, CRC Press, pp. 105-214, Chapter 4, ISBN: 9780849335525, 2008.
[335] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V., Gupta, S. M. and Zeid, I., "Product Life Cycle Monitoring via Embedded Sensors", in Environment Conscious Manufacturing, Edited by S. M. Gupta and A. J. D. Lambert, CRC Press, pp. 91-104, Chapter 3, ISBN: 9780849335525, 2008.
[334] Gupta, S. M. and Lambert, A. J. D., "Environment Conscious Manufacturing", CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN: 9780849335525, 2008.
[333] Johar, B. O., Gupta, S. M. and Kongar, E., "Inventory Control Policies of Recoverable EOL Products on a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 5th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 584-587, November 8-9, 2007.
[332] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Inventory Control and Value Management of EOL Products in a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 708-711, October 17-20, 2007.
[331] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Pricing of Reusable and Recyclable Components under Alternative Product Acquisition Mechanisms", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 18-19, 4621-4652, 2007.
[330] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Combinatorial Optimization Analysis of the Unary NP-Complete Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 18-19, 4485-4511, 2007.
[329] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Approaches for Strategic Planning of a Reverse Supply Chain", Office Automation: Journal of the Japan Society for the Study of Office Automation, Vol. 27, No. 4, 75-82, 2007.
[328] McGovern, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Benchmark Data Set for Evaluation of Line Balancing Algorithms", Proceedings of the International IFAC Conference on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly (IAD’07), Alicante, Spain, May 23-25, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[327] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Generating a Complete Disassembly-To-Order Plan", Proceedings of the International IFAC Conference on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly (IAD’07), Alicante, Spain, May 23-25, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[326] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Competition to Acquire and Sell Between Two Product Recovery Facilities", Proceedings of the 2007 POMS-Dallas Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 4-May 7, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[325] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Generating Disassembly Sequences for Multiple Products Using Genetic Algorithm", Proceedings of the 2007 POMS-Dallas Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 4-May 7, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[324] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Approach for Supplier Selection in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2007 POMS-Dallas Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 4-May 7, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[323] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Inventory Balancing in Disassembly Line: A Multiperiod Problem", Proceedings of the 2007 POMS-Dallas Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 4-May 7, 2007 (CD-ROM).
[322] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Supplier Selection in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2007 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 742-747, 2007.
[321] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Performance Measurement in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2007 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 474-479, 2007.
[320] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Disposal Decisions Under Predetermined Pricing Policies", Proceedings of the 2007 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 468-473, 2007.
[319] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Generating a Disassembly-To-Order Plan", Proceedings of the 2007 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 462-467, 2007.
[318] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Inventory Balancing of Post-usage Components of a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2007 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 456-461, 2007.
[317] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "A Balancing Method and Genetic Algorithm for Disassembly Line Balancing", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 179, No. 3, 692-708, 2007.
[316] Imtanavanich, P., Gupta, S. M. and Nakashima, K., "Solving a Disassembly-to-Order Problem using Neural Networks", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsubuka, Japan, 631-634, 2006.
[315] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Inventory Control with Consideration for LCA", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 119-122, 2006.
[314] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimum Disassembly Sequencing", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 57-67, 2006.
[313] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Solving a Disassembly-to-Order System by using Genetic Algorithm and Weighted Fuzzy Goal Programming", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 54-56, 2006.
[312] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Controlling Disassembly Line with Multi-Kanban System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 42-53, 2006.
[311] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Effective Marketing of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network: A Fuzzy QFD Approach", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 165-171, 2006.
[310] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Strategic and Tactical Planning of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network under Uncertainty", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 157-164, 2006.
[309] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Total Quality Management (TQM) in a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 139-148, 2006.
[308] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Supplier Selection in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network: An ANP-Goal Programming Based Methodology", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 130-138, 2006.
[307] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Six Sigma Tolerancing Approach for the Design of an Efficient Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 123-129, 2006.
[306] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Pricing Decisions for Product Recovery Facilities in a Multi-Criteria Setting using Genetic Algorithms", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 108-118, 2006.
[305] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Evolutionary Computation with Linear Physical Programming for Solving a Disassembly-to-Order System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 30-41, 2006.
[304] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Dynamic Kanban System for Disassembly Line Applied to an Industrial Voice Recognition Client Unit", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 22-29, 2006.
[303] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Balancing Inventory Generated from a Disassembly Line: Mathematical Approach", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 13-21, 2006.
[302] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Computational Complexity of a Reverse Manufacturing Line", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing VI, 1-12, 2006.
[301] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Sequencing using Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5-6, 497-506, 2006.
[300] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Ant Colony Optimization for Disassembly Sequencing with Multiple Objectives", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5-6, 481-496, 2006.
[299] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Determination of Optimal Prices for End-of-Life Items from a Discrete Set", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, 604-614, 2006.
[298] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Deterministic Hybrid and Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Treatments of an Electronic Product Disassembly Line", in Applications of Management Science In Productivity, Finance, and Operations, Edited by Kenneth D. Lawrence and Ronald K. Klimberg, Elsevier, Ltd, pp. 175-197, ISBN: 0-7623-1221-1, 2006.
[297] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Calculating Disassembly Yields in a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Environment for a Disassembly-to-Order System", in Applications of Management Science In Productivity, Finance, and Operations, Edited by Kenneth D. Lawrence and Ronald K. Klimberg, Elsevier, Ltd, pp. 109-125, ISBN: 0-7623-1221-1, 2006.
[296] Adenso-Diaz, B., Carbajal, S. G.; Gupta, S. M., "Dealing with Bi-Criteria in Disassembly Scheduling", Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’06), 243-247, 2006.
[295] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Planning an Efficient Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network: A Unified Single Phase Approach", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, p. 362, 2006.
[294] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Pricing of End-of-Life Items with Obsolescence", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 156-160, 2006.
[293] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Implementation of Just-In-Time Methodology in a Small Company", in Supply Chains and Total Product Systems: A Reader, Edited by Ed Rhodes, James Warren and Ruth Carter, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 459-467, Chapter 4.5, ISBN: 1405124105, 2006.
[292] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Pricing End-of-Life Items with Inventory Constraints", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[291] Johar, B. O. and Gupta, S. M., "Inventory Issues Arising from Balancing a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[290] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Performance Metrics for End-Of-Life Product Processing", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[289] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Linear Physical Programming Approach for a Disassembly-To-Order System under Stochastic Yields and Product’s Deterioration", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[288] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Weighted Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach for a Disassembly-to-Order System", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[287] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Single Phase Unified Approach for Designing a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[286] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Phase Mathematical Programming Approach for the Efficient Design and Effective Marketing of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[285] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Strategic and Tactical Planning of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network: A Linear Physical Programming Approach", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[284] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Effect of Preventive Maintenance Interruptions on the Performance of a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2006 POMS-Boston Meeting, 2006 (CD-ROM).
[283] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly To Order System Under Uncertainty", Omega, Vol. 34, No. 6, 550-561, 2006.
[282] Barba-Gutierrez, Y., Adenso-Diaz, B. and Gupta, S. M., "Lot-Sizing Techniques in Reverse MRP", Proceedings of the 24th Annual Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, London, UK, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[281] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Local Search Heuristics and Greedy Algorithm for Balancing a Disassembly Line", International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 91-114, 2005.
[280] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Criteria Analysis of Potential Recovery Facilities in a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 155-162, 2005.
[279] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Pricing End-Of-Life Components", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 146-154, 2005.
[278] Nakashima, K. and, Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Production Policy for a Remanufacturing System with Virtual Inventory Cost", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 140-145, 2005.
[277] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Impact of Different Disassembly Line Balancing Algorithms on the Performance of Dynamic Kanban System for Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 103-110, 2005.
[276] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "The Effect of Sudden Server Breakdown on the Performance of a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 93-102, 2005.
[275] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Uninformed and Probabilistic Distributed Agent Combinatorial Searches for the Unary NP-Complete Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 81-92, 2005.
[274] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "A Heuristic Solution for the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem Incorporating Sequence Dependent Costs", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 73-80, 2005.
[273] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "A Fuzzy AHP Based Approach for Selecting Potential Recovery Facilities in a Closed Loop Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 58-63, 2005.
[272] Pochampally, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Mechanism for Coordination Between the Collector and the Dismantler in a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 42-47, 2005.
[271] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Kanban Mechanism for Appliance Disassembly", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 30-41, 2005.
[270] Gonzalez-Torre, P., Gonzalez, B. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Environmental Practices of the Auxiliary Companies to the Spanish Automobile Industry", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 22-29, 2005.
[269] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach in Multiple Periods for a Disassembly-To-Order System under Product’s Deterioration and Stochastic Yields", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing V, 10-21, 2005.
[268] Gupta, S. M. and Pochampally, K., "Long-Range (Strategic) Planning Issues in Reverse Logistics", Proceedings of the International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV05), Garching, Germany, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[267] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Designing an Efficient Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network: A Multi-Phase Multi-Criteria Approach", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Indore, India, 668-678, 2005.
[266] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "Determining Optimum and Suboptimum Disassembly Sequences with an Application to a Cell Phone", Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning (ISATP2005), 260-265, 2005.
[265] Jarupan, L., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Expectation of Using Traceability Technology for Managing Transport Packaging Take-Back", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[264] Udomsawat, G., Vadde, S., Gupta, S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Disassembly of Sensor-Embedded Products using Disassembly Line with Pull Mechanism", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[263] Pochampally, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Phase Strategic Planning of a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[262] Argon, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Comparison of Performance Effect of CSMA/CD and Token Ring Networks on TV Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[261] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Kanban Mechanism for Automobile Disassembly", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[260] Nukala, S. and Gupta, S. M., "Cost-Benefit Analysis of End-Of-Life PC’s", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[259] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach in Multiple Periods for a Disassembly-to-order System under Stochastic Yields", Proceedings of the 2005 POMS-Chicago Meeting, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[258] Jarupan, L., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Prediction of Packaging Life-Cycle Design Performance", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[257] Argon, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Modeling of Disassembly and Associated Token Ring Network Operations", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[256] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Calculating Disassembly Yields in a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Environment for a Disassembly to Order System", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[255] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Sudden Material Handling System Breakdown in a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[254] Cui, C., Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Dynamic Group Maintenance Policy in a Smart Sensor Integrated Flow-Line Manufacturing System", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[253] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Kanban in Disassembly Line with Component-Discriminating Demand", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[252] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Stochastic and Deterministic Combinatorial Optimization Solutions to an Electronic Product Disassembly Flow Shop", Proceedings of the 2005 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 2005 (CD-ROM).
[251] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Modeling for Assembly, Maintenance, Reuse, and Recycling", CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN: 1-57444-334-8, 2005.
[250] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Buffer Allocation Plan for a Remanufacturing Cell", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 3, 657-677, 2005.
[249] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Strategic Planning of a Reverse Supply Chain Network", International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Vol. 1, No. 4, 421-441, 2005.
[248] Udomsawat, G., Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "Push and Pull Control Systems in Disassembly Lines", Proceedings of the 2004 Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 7811-7816, 2004.
[247] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Decision-Making Regarding the Futurity of an End-of-Use", Proceedings of the 2004 Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 6291-6296, 2004.
[246] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Criteria Ant System and Genetic Algorithm for End-of-Life Decision Making", Proceedings of the 2004 Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 6371-6376, 2004.
[245] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Remanufacturing Control in Multistage Systems with Stochastic Recovery Rates", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 264-273, 2004.
[244] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V., Gupta, S. M. and Zeid, I., "Sensor-Embedded Computers for Better Life-Cycle Management", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 256-263, 2004.
[243] Argon, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Modeling and Simulation of the Disassembly Operations and the Associated Communications Network", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 234-243, 2004.
[242] Jarupan, L., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Application of Combinatorial Approach in Packaging Material Selection", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 207-223, 2004.
[241] Zeid, I., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Product Take-Back: Sensors-Based Approach", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 200-206, 2004.
[240] Imtanavanich, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Disassembly-To-Order System Under Stochastic Yields", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 147-162, 2004.
[239] Pochampally, K. K., Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Beyond Sensor-Assisted Diagnosis of Used Products", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 138-146, 2004.
[238] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta, S. M. and Gupta, S. K., "Selection of Collection Centers and Recovery Facilities for Designing a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 127-137, 2004.
[237] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Modeling Operational Behavior of a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 79-93, 2004.
[236] Udomsawat, G., Gupta, S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Multi-Kanban Mechanism for Personal Computer Disassembly", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 67-78, 2004.
[235] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Disassembly Line Balancing", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 53-66, 2004.
[234] Gupta, S. M., Erbis, E. and McGovern, S. M., "Disassembly Sequencing Problem: A Case Study of a Cell Phone", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing IV, 43-52, 2004.
[233] McGovern, S. M., Gupta, S. M. and Nakashima, K., "Multi-Criteria Optimization for Non-Linear End of Lifecycle Models", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsubuka, Japan, 201-204, 2004.
[232] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Linear Physical Programming Approach for Designing a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, 261-269, 2004.
[231] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Demanufacturing Strategy Based Upon Metaheuristics", Proceedings of the 2004 Institute of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2004 (CD-ROM).
[230] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Efficient Design and Effective Marketing of a Reverse Supply Chain: A Fuzzy Logic Approach", Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 321-326, 2004.
[229] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Business-Mapping Approach to Multi-Criteria Group Selection of Collection Centers and Recovery Facilities", Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 249-254, 2004.
[228] Gupta, S. M., Udomsawat, G. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "Multi-Kanban Model for Multi-Product Disassembly with Multiple Demands", Proceedings of the 2004 POMS-Cancun Meeting, 2004 (CD-ROM).
[227] Gupta, S. M. and Pochampally, K. K., "Crucial Issues in Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design", Proceedings of the 2004 POMS-Cancun Meeting, 2004 (CD-ROM).
[226] Gupta, S. M. and McGovern, S. M., "Multi-Objective Optimization in Disassembly Sequencing Problems", Proceedings of the 2004 POMS-Cancun Meeting, 2004 (CD-ROM).
[225] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "Determination of Base Kanban Level for Multi-Kanban Mechanism in a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 232-234, 2004.
[224] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Neural Network Approach to Predict the Success of a Collection Center in a Reverse Supply Chain", Proceedings of the 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 229-231, 2004.
[223] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Evaluation of Recycling Programs with respect to Drivers of Public Participation: A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach", Proceedings of the 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 226-228, 2004.
[222] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "Metaheuristic Technique for the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", Proceedings of the 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 223-225, 2004.
[221] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Modeling Smart Sensor Integrated Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing, 30-37, 2003.
[220] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Scale Registration Algorithm for Alignment of Meshes", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing, 113-119, 2003.
[219] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta, S. M., "2-Opt Heuristic for the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 71-84, 2003.
[218] Jarupan, L., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Evaluation of Trade-offs in Costs and Environmental Impacts for Returnable Packaging Implementation", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 6-14, 2003.
[217] Jarupan, L., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta, S. M., "Simulation Study on Vehicle Dispatching Strategies for Returnable Transport Packaging", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing, 161-169, 2003.
[216] Pochampally, K. K. and, Gupta, S. M., "Second-Hand Market as an Alternative in Reverse Logistics", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 30-39, 2003.
[215] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta, S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Identification of Potential Recovery Facilities for Designing a Reverse Supply Chain Network Using Physical Programming", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 139-146, 2003.
[214] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta, S. M. and Cullinane, T. P., "A Fuzzy Cost-Benefit Function to Select Economical Products for Processing in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 20-29, 2003.
[213] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta, S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Evaluation of Production Facilities in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain: A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 125-138, 2003.
[212] Nakashima, K. and, Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Control of a Remanufacturing System with Consideration for Product Life Cycle", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 15-19, 2003.
[211] Udomsawat, G., Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "Multi-Kanban Model for Disassembly Line with Demand Fluctuation", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 85-93, 2003.
[210] Kongar, E., Gupta, S. M. and McGovern, S. M., "The Use of Data Envelopment Analysis for Product Recovery", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing III, 219-231, 2003.
[209] McGovern, S. M. and Gupta S. M., "Greedy Algorithm for Disassembly Line Scheduling", Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1737-1744, 2003.
[208] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta S. M. and Kalvala, P., "Evaluation of Manufacturing Companies with Respect to Socio-Economic Criteria: A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach", Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Autonomous Factories (INCARF 2003), New Delhi, India, August 11-13, 2003 (CD-ROM).
[207] Vadde, S., Kamarthi, S. V. and Gupta S. M., "Alignment of Meshes Using Gaussian Curvature", Proceedings of the 2003 Institute of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 18-21, 2003 (CD-ROM).
[206] Pochampally, K. K. and Gupta S. M., "A Multi-Phase Mathematical Programming Approach to Strategic Planning of an Efficient Reverse Supply Chain Network", Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 72-78, 2003.
[205] Boon, J. E., Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "End-of-Life Infrastructure Economics for "Clean Vehicles" in the United States", Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 25-45, 2003.
[204] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Performance Evaluation of a Product Recovery System", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 172-174, 2003.
[203] Jarupan, L., Gupta S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Simulation Based Approach For Return Packaging Systems", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 175-177, 2003.
[202] Pochampally, K. K., Gupta S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Identification of Potential Recovery Facilities for Strategic Planning of an Efficient Reverse Distribution Network", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 160-162, 2003.
[201] McGovern, S. M., Gupta S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Solving Disassembly Sequence Planning Problems Using Combinatorial Optimization", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 178-180, 2003.
[200] Tadevosyan, K., Gupta S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Green Logistics in Closed Loop Supply Chain Networks", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 154-156, 2003.
[199] Udomsawat, G., Gupta S. M. and Kamarthi, S. V., "A Multi-Kanban Model for Disassembly", Proceedings of the 2003 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 169-171, 2003.
[198] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Performance Evaluation of a Supplier Management System with Stochastic Variability", International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), Vol. 5, No. 1, 28-37, 2003.
[197] Udomsawat, G. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Kanban Mechanism for a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Tainan, Taiwan, January 2-5, pp. 79-85, 2003.
[196] Kongar, E., Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach to Disassembly Planning", Proceedings of the Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 14-17, 561-578, 2002.
[195] Kongar, E., Gupta, S. M. and Nakashima, K., "A Multiple Objective Heuristic for Disassembly Processing", Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsubuka, Japan, November 6-8, 511-514, 2002.
[194] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Line in Product Recovery", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No. 11, 2569-2589, 2002.
[193] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Disassembly-to-Order Systems", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 2, 171-183, 2002.
[192] Lambert, A. J. D. and Gupta, S. M., "Demand-Driven Disassembly Optimization for Electronic Products", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 2, 121-135, 2002.
[191] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly-To-Order System Using Linear Physical Programming", Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 312-317, 2002.
[190] Boon, J. E., Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Economic Sensitivity for End of Life Planning and Processing of Personal Computers", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 81-93, 2002.
[189] Mak, R. W. T., Gupta, S. M. and Lam, K., "Modeling of Material Handling Hoist Operations in a PCB Manufacturing Facility", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 33-50, 2002.
[188] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Automating Disassembly Process Planning", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 47-60, 2002.
[187] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Adaptive Kanban Control Mechanism for a Single Stage Hybrid System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing II, 175-182, 2001.
[186] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Capacity and Buffer Trade-Offs in a Remanufacturing System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing II, 167-174, 2001.
[185] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Genetic Algorithm for Disassembly Process Planning", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing II, 54-62, 2001.
[184] Zeid, I. and Gupta, S. M., "Computational Algorithm to Evaluate Product Disassembly Cost Index", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing II, 23-31, 2001.
[183] Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Product Design Optimization and Recycling Economics", The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, edited by K. H. J. Buschow, R. W. Cahn, M. C. Flemings, B. Illschner, E. J. Kramer, and S. Mahajan, Elsevier Science, 7887-7893, ISBN: 0-08-043152-6, 2001.
[182] Gupta, S. M., "Probability and Statistics", Reference Data for Engineers, 9th edition, edited by Mac E. Van Valkenburg and Wendy M. Middleton, Newnes (an imprint of Butterworth-Heinemann), Boston, Chapter 44, ISBN: 0-7506-7291-9, 2001.
[181] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Multi-Objective Optimization of Lot Size Balancing for Multi Products Selective Disassembly", Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium, Edited by Murat Koksalan and Stanley Zionts, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 507, Berlin, Germany, pp. 338-347, ISBN: 3-540-42377-X, 2001.
[180] Gupta, S. M. and Kongar, E., "A Disassembly-To-Order System", Proceedings of the 2001 International POMS (Sao Paulo) Meeting, 331-338, 2001.
[179] Gupta, S. M. and Kizilkaya, E., "Disassembly Kanban System", Proceedings of the 2001 International POMS (Sao Paulo) Meeting, 356-362, 2001.
[178] Gupta, S. M. and Gungor, A., "Product Recovery via a Disassembly Line", Proceedings of the 2001 International POMS (Sao Paulo) Meeting, 162-170, 2001.
[177] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Decision-Maker-Centered Disassembly Process Planning", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 208-213, 2001.
[176] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., " Optimal Buffer Allocation of an Unbalanced Remanufacturing System with Unreliable Servers ", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 202-207, 2001.
[175] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Single Stage Kanban Control System with Dynamic Routing", Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 214-219, 2001.
[174] Gupta, S. M. and Gungor, A., "Product Recovery Using a Disassembly Line: Challenges and Solution", Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 36-40, 2001.
[173] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Criteria Approach for Remanufacturing Model in a Disassembly-To-Order System", Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 221-223, 2001.
[172] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Effect of Reusable Rate Variation on the Optimal Buffer Allocation for Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute , 116-118, 2001.
[171] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Single Stage Kanban Control System with Static Routing", Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute , 227-229, 2001.
[170] Perry, R. F. and Gupta, S. M., "Response Surface Methodology Applied to Toll Plaza Design for the Transition to Electronic Toll Collection", International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 8, No. 6, 707-726, 2001.
[169] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., "Aggregate-Planning for End-of-life Products", Greener Manufacturing and Operations: From Design to Delivery and Back, Edited by Joseph Sarkis, Greenleaf Publishing Ltd., Sheffield, U.K., Chapter 14, 205-222, ISBN: 1-8747-1942-X, 2001.
[168] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Solution Approach to the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem in the Presence of Task Failures", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, No. 7, 1427-1467, 2001.
[167] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Sequence Plan Generation Using a Branch and Bound Algorithm", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, No. 3, 481-509, 2001.
[166] Moore, K. E., Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Petri Net Approach to Disassembly Process Planning for Products with Complex AND/OR Precedence Relationships", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 135, No. 2, 428-449, 2001.
[165] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Criteria Model for Remanufacturing", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, 290-297, 2000.
[164] Gungor, A., Gupta, S. M., Pochampally, K. and Kamarthi, S. V., "Complications in Disassembly Line Balancing", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 289-298, 2000.
[163] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimizing the Supply Chain in Reverse Logistics", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 157-166, 2000.
[162] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Substitution Policies for a Hybrid System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 1-6, 2000.
[161] Kongar, E. and Gupta, S. M., "A Goal Programming Approach to the Remanufacturing Supply Chain Model", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 167-178, 2000.
[160] Boon, J. E., Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Economics of PC Recycling", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 29-35, 2000.
[159] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Effect of Reusable Rate Variation on the Performance of Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 13-20, 2000.
[158] Dincer, M., Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Economic Analysis of End-of-Life Computer Systems in Educational Institutions", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 36-43, 2000.
[157] Zeid, I. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Knowledge Representation via XML", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 179-185, 2000.
[156] Zeid, I., Gupta, S. M. and Pan, L., "A Case-Based Reasoning Disassembly System", Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (Vol. 4193), 186-193, 2000.
[155] Kizilkaya, E. A., Gupta, S. M. and Nakashima, K., "A New Approach to Material Control and Scheduling in a Disassembly Environment", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on EcoBalance, Tsubuka, Japan, October 31-November 2, 75-78, 2000.
[154] Boon, J., Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Economic Impact of Aluminum Intensive Vehicles on the US Automotive Recycling Infrastructure", Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 117-134, 2000.
[153] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P.,"A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Optimal Planning of Multi-Product/ Multi-Manufacturer Disassembly Processes", International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No. 1, 15-25, 2000.
[152] Gupta, S. M. and Kavusturucu, A., "Production systems with Interruptions, Arbitrary Topology and Finite Buffers", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 93, 145-176, 2000.
[151] Moore, K. E., Kizilkaya, E. and Gupta, S. M., Articles on "Adaptive Kanban Control", "Base Kanbans", "Decision Horizon", "Deterministic Production Environments", "Dynamic Kanban Control", "Employee Turnover", "Flexible Kanban Control", "Flexible Kanban System", "Kanban", "Pull Production Systems", "Reactive Kanban Control", and "Release Threshold", on pages 24, 60, 153-154, 158, 167, 183, 218, 218, 337, 595, 631, and 639 respectively, Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[150] Moore, K. E., Kizilkaya, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Dynamic Kanban Control for JIT Manufacturing", Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 167-170, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[149] Moore, K. E. and Gupta, S. M., Articles on "Asynchronous Systems", "Blocking", "Concurrent Systems", "Deadlock", "Discrete Event System", "Makespan", and "System Correctness", on pages 50, 64, 111, 153, 164, 389, and 766 respectively, Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[148] Moore, K. E. and Gupta, S. M., "Manufacturing System Modeling Using Petri Nets", Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 431-435, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[147] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., Articles on "Disassembly", "Dry Sorting", "Green Manufacturing", "Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)", and "Remanufacturing" on pages 163-164, 166, 258, 361-362, and 640 respectively, Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[146] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., "Environmental Issues: Reuse and Recycling in Manufacturing Systems", Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management, Edited by Paul Swamidass, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 192-197, ISBN: 0-7923-8630-2, 2000.
[145] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., "A Bi-directional Supply Chain Optimization Model for Reverse Logistics", Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 254-259, 2000.
[144] Gupta, S. M., Lee, Y.-J., Z. Xanthopulos and P. Veerakamolmal, "An Optimization Approach for A Reverse Logistics Supply Chain", Proceedings of the 2000 World Symposium on Group Technology/ Cellular Manufacturing, 227-232, 2000.
[143] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Pull Control System for the Disassembly Environment", Proceedings of the 2000 World Symposium on Group Technology/ Cellular Manufacturing, 233-238, 2000.
[142] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Price Policies for a Hybrid System with Disposals", Proceedings of the 2000 World Symposium on Group Technology/ Cellular Manufacturing, 245-250, 2000.
[141] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Buffer Allocation Plan for Cellular Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the 2000 World Symposium on Group Technology/ Cellular Manufacturing, 239-244, 2000.
[140] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of a Just-in-Time Production system with Supplier Kanbans", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 221-223, 2000.
[139] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Kanban Control Mechanism for a Multi-Echelon Inventory System with Returns", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 105-107, 2000.
[138] Aksoy, H. K. and Gupta, S. M., "Near Optimal Buffer Allocation Plan for Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 111-113, 2000.
[137] Kizilkaya, E. A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Modified Kanban System for Disassembly", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 239-241, 2000.
[136] Gupta, S. M., Lee, Y. J. and Veerakamolmal, P., "A Supply Chain Optimization Approach for Reverse Logistics of End-of-Life Products", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 262-264, 2000.
[135] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Design for Disassembly, Reuse and Recycling", Green Electronics/ Green Bottom Line: Environmentally Responsible Engineering, Edited by Lee Goldberg, Butterworth-Heinemann; (Newnes) ISBN: 0-7506-9993-0, Chapter 5, 69-82, 2000.
[134] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Issues in Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing and Product Recovery: A Survey", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 4, 811-853, 1999.
[133] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of Manufacturing Flow Lines with Unreliable Machines", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 12, No. 6, 510-524, 1999.
[132] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Performance Evaluation of a Supplier Management System with Stochastic Variability", Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 409-412, 1999.
[131] Gupta, S. M., "N-Policy Queueing System with Finite Source and Warm Spares", Opsearch, Vol. 36, No. 3, 189-217, 1999.
[130] Boon, J., Gupta, S. M. and Isaacs, J. A., "Economic Modeling of Electric Vehicle Recycling", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Manufacturing and Robotics, 1-8, 1999.
[129] Gupta, S. M., "Flexible Kanban System", Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users' Encyclopedia, published by International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Applications and Practice, ISBN 0-9654 506-0-0, 1999.
[128] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly", Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users' Encyclopedia, published by International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Applications and Practice, ISBN 0-9654 506-0-0, 1999.
[127] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of Design Efficiency for the Disassembly of Modular Electronic Products", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 9, No. 1, 79-95, 1999.
[126] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Expansion Method for the Throughput Analysis of Open Finite Manufacturing/Queueing Networks with N-Policy", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 26, No. 13, 1267-1292, 1999.
[125] Moore, K. E. and Gupta, S. M., "Stochastic Colored Petri Net (SCPN) Models of Traditional and Flexible Kanban Systems", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 37, No. 9, 2135-2158, 1999.
[124] Gupta, S. M., Al-Turki, Y. A. Y. and Perry, R. F., "Flexible Kanban System", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 19, No. 10, 1065-1093,1999.
[123] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "A Combinatorial Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology for Designing Modular electronic Products for the Environment", Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment , 268-273, 1999.
[122] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Systematic Solution Approach to the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 70-73, 1999.
[121] Nakashima, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of a Supplier Management System Using Generalized Stochastic Petri Net", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 75-78, 1999.
[120] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Reusable-Component Requirements Planning for the Integrated Remanufacturing System", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 58-61, 1999.
[119] Aksoy, K. and Gupta, S. M., "An Open Queueing Network Model for Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 62-65, 1999.
[118] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Designing Electronic Products for Disassembly Using Cost/Benefit Analysis", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 189-191, 1999.
[117] Aksoy, K. and Gupta, S. M., "An Analytical Model for Remanufacturing Systems", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 83-85, 1999.
[116] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Line Balancing", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 193-195, 1999.
[115] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., "A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for the Optimal Planning of Disassembly Processes", Proceedings of the International Seminar on Reuse, 141-150, 1999.
[114] Guide, Jr., V. D. R. and Gupta, S. M., "A Queueing Network Model for Remanufacturing Production Systems", Proceedings of the International Seminar on Reuse, 115-128, 1999.
[113] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Automating Multiple Products Disassembly Process Planning with Case-Based Reasoning", Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, 24-33, 1999.
[112] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Manufacturing Systems with Machine Vacations, Arbitrary Topology and Finite Buffers", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 58, No. 1, 1-15, 1999.
[111] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Optimal Analysis of Lot Size Balancing for Muli-Products Selective Disassembly", International Journal of Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 6, No. 3/4, 245-269, 1998.
[110] Mak, R., Lam, K. and Gupta, S. M., "A Practical Algorithm for Cyclic Hoist Scheduling in a PCB Manufacturing Facility", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 8, No. 3/4, 193-207, 1998.
[109] Gupta, S. M. and Kavusturucu, A., "Modeling of Finite Buffer Cellular Manufacturing Systems with Unreliable Machines", International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, 265-277, 1998.
[108] Gupta, S. M., "Reliability and Maintainability", Handbook of Total Quality Management, edited by C. N. Madu, Kluwer Academic Publishers (The Netherlands), Chapter 28, 612- 626, ISBN 0-412-75360-X, 1998.
[107] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "Service Control in a Finite Buffered Queue with Holding and Setup Costs", Transactions on Operational Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, 19-41, 1998.
[106] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Methodology for Analyzing Finite Buffer Tandem Manufacturing Systems with N-Policy", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 4, 837-848, 1998.
[105] Moore, K. E., Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., " Disassembly Petri Net Generation in the Presence of XOR Precedence Relationships", Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , 13-18, 1998.
[104] Gupta, S. M. and Veerakamolmal, P., "Profitability Measure for Product Disassembly and Recycling", Proceedings of the 1998 POMS International Meeting, 139-147, 1998.
[103] Moyer, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Development of the Surface Mount Assembly Process Through an Angular Board Orientation", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 36, No. 7, 1857-1881, 1998.
[102] Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "The Effect of Sudden Material Handling System Breakdown on the Performance of a JIT System", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 36, No. 7, 1935-1960, 1998.
[101] Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "Adapting Just-In-Time Manufacturing Systems to Preventive Maintenance Interruptions", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 9, No. 4, 349-359, 1998.
[100] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Tandem Manufacturing Systems with Machine Vacations", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 9, No. 5, 494-503, 1998.
[99] Moore, K. E., Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Process Planning using Petri Nets", Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment , 88-93, 1998.
[98] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Design of an Integrated Component Recovery System", Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment , 264-269, 1998.
[97] Korugan, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Multi-Echelon Inventory system with Returns", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 145-148, 1998.
[96] Kizilkaya, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Material Flow Control and Scheduling in a Disassembly Environment", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 93-96, 1998.
[95] Moore, K. E., Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "A Petri Net Approach to Disassembly Process Planning", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 165-168, 1998.
[94] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Sequence Planning for Products with Defective Parts", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 161-164, 1998.
[93] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "High-mix/Low-volume Batch of electronic equipment Disassembly", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1, 65-68, 1998.
[92] Kizilkaya, E. and Gupta, S. M., "Use of Flexible Kanban for Material Flow control in a Disassembly Process", Proceedings of the 1998 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference , 293-295, 1998.
[91] Veerakamolmal, P. and Gupta, S. M., "Planning Components Recovery from Multiple Products", Proceedings of the 1998 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference , 270-272, 1998.
[90] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly Sequence Planning for Complete Disassembly in Product Recovery", Proceedings of the 1998 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference , 250-252, 1998.
[89] Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Effect of Vehicle Lightweighting on the Profitability of the Automobile Recycling Infrastructure", Proceedings of The Julian Szekely Memorial Symposium on Materials Processing , 669-685, 1997.
[88] Veerakamolmal P., Gupta, S. M. and McLean, C. R., "Disassembly Process Planning", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation , 162-165, 1997.
[87] Gungor, A. and Gupta, S. M., "An Evaluation Methodology for Disassembly Processes", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 1, 329-332, 1997.
[86] Isaacs, J. A. and Gupta, S. M., "Economic Consequences of Increasing Polymer Content on U.S. Automobile Recycling Infrastructure", Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 1, No. 4, 19-33, 1997.
[85] Gupta, S. M. and Isaacs, J. A., "Value Analysis of Disposal Strategies for Automobiles", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 1, 325-328, 1997.
[84] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "Control of Arrivals in a Finite Buffered Queue with Setup Costs", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 48, No. 11, 1113-1122, 1997.
[83] Moyer, L. and Gupta, S. M., "An efficient Assembly Sequencing Heuristic for Printed Circuit Board Configurations", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 7, No. 2, 143-160, 1997.
[82] Taleb, K. N. and Gupta, S. M., "Disassembly of Multiple Product Structures", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 4, 949-961, 1997.
[81] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "Duality Relations for Queues with Arrival and Service Control", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 24, No. 6, 529-538, 1997.
[80] Zeid, I., Gupta, S. M. and Bardasz, T., "A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Planning for Disassembly", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing , Vol. 8, No. 2, 97-106, 1997.
[79] Taleb, K. N., Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Disassembly of Complex Products with Parts and Materials Commonality", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 3, 255-269, 1997.
[78] Gupta, S. M., "Machine Interference Problem with Warm Spares, Server Vacations and Exhaustive Service", Performance Evaluation, Vol. 29, No. 3, 195-211, 1997.
[77] Gupta, S. M. and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "An Algorithm to Dynamically Adjust the Number of Kanbans in a Stochastic Processing Times and Variable Demand Environment", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 2, 133-141, 1997.
[76] Moyer, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Environmental Concerns and Recycling/ Disassembly Efforts in the Electronics Industry", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-22, 1997.
[75] Messac, A., Gupta, S. M. and Akbulut, B., "Linear Physical Programming: A New Approach to Multiple Objective Optimization", Transactions on Operational Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 39-59, 1996.
[74] Moyer, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Simultaneous Component Sequencing and Feeder Assignment for High Chip Shooter Machines", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 6, No. 4, 271-305, 1996.
[73] Moyer, L. and Gupta, S. M., "SMT Feeder Slot Assignment for Predetermined Component Placement Paths", Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol. 6, No. 3, 173-192, 1996.
[72] Zeid, I., Gupta, S. M. and Bardasz, T., "An Analogical Problem Solving Approach to Planning for Disassembly", Proceedings of the Winter Annual Meeting of ASME (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, DE-Vol. 89), 79-89, 1996.
[71] Gupta, S. M. and McLean, C. R., "Disassembly of Products", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 1, 225-228, 1996.
[70] Gupta, S. M. and Taleb, K. N., "An Algorithm to Disassemble Multiple Product Structures with Multiple Occurrences of Parts", Proceedings of the International Seminar on Reuse, 153-162, 1996.
[69] Moore, K. E. and Gupta, S. M., "Petri Net Models of Flexible and Automated Manufacturing Systems: A Survey", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, No. 11, 3001-3035, 1996.
[68] Moore, K. E. and Gupta, S. M., "Petri Net-Based Analysis and Simulation of Traditional and Flexible Kanban Control Policies", Proceedings of the Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1257-1262, 1996.
[67] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "The Finite Capacity GI/M/1 Queue with Server Vacations", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 47, No. 6, 817-828, 1996.
[66] Isaacs, J. A., Gupta, S. M. and Messac, A., "A Decision Tool to Assess the Impact of Automobile Design on Disposal Strategies", Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, 207-214, 1996.
[65] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Combined Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty with Back-Ordering in a Multi-Level Product Structure Environment", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 7, No. 1, 57-67, 1996.
[64] Gupta, S. M., and Al-Turki, Y. A. Y., "Compensating for the Variation in Processing Times and Demand by Dynamically Adjusting the Number of Kanbans in a JIT Environment", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, 555-562, 1996.
[63] Gupta, S. M., "N-Policy Queueing System with Finite Population", Transactions on Operational Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 45-62, 1995.
[62] Gupta, S. M., "The Effect of Machine Breakdown on the Performance of a JIT System", Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, 1135-1137, 1995.
[61] Moore, K. and Gupta, S. M., "Stochastic Colored Petri Net Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Material Handling Systems and Machining", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 1, 333-337, 1995.
[60] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Expansion Algorithm for Unreliable Tandem Queueing Network with Finite Buffers", Proceedings of the International Congress of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, 1180-1184, 1995.
[59] Gupta, S. M., "Interrelationship Between Controlling Arrival and Service in Queueing Systems", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 22, No. 10, 1005-1014, 1995.
[58] Gupta, S. M., "Queueing Model with State Dependent Balking and Reneging: Its Complementary and Equivalence", Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 22, No. 4, 63-72, 1995.
[57] Taleb, K. N. and Gupta, S. M., "Algorithms for Disassembly", Proceedings of the 1995 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 406-408, 1995.
[56] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "A Comparison of Continuous versus Periodic Review of Order Levels to Control a Make-to-Order Production System", Proceedings of the 1995 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 413-415, 1995.
[55] Gupta, S. M. Al-Turki, Y. A. Y. and Perry, R.F., "Coping with Processing Time Variation in a JIT Environment", Proceedings of the 1995 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 419-421, 1995.
[54] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Implementation of Just-In-Time Methodology in a Small Company", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 6, No. 4, 358-364, 1995.
[53] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "MRP Systems Under Supply and Process Uncertainty in an Integrated Shop Floor Control Environment", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 33, No. 1, 205-220, 1995.
[52] Gupta, S. M., "Stochastic Analysis of Systems with Primary and Secondary Failures", Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 35, No. 1, 65-71, 1995.
[51] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "The Operation of an Integrated Manufacturing System with Customer Access via EDI", Production Planning and Control, Vol. 5, No. 6, 543-551, 1994.
[50] Kavusturucu, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Finite Buffers and Unreliable Machines", Proceedings of the International Machine Design and Production Conference, 229-236, 1994.
[49] Karaesmen, F. and Gupta, S. M., "On the Cycle Time Distribution of a Closed Loop Type Manufacturing Flow Line", Proceedings of the International Machine Design and Production Conference, 237-246, 1994.
[48] Gupta, S. M. and Karaesmen, F., "Solution to Complex Queueing systems: A Spreadsheet Approach", Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 21, No. 3, 33-46, 1994.
[47] Brennan, L., Gupta, S. M. and Taleb, K. N., "Operations Planning Issues in an Assembly/Disassembly Environment", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 14, No. 9, 57-67, 1994.
[46] Gupta, S. M., "Finite Source Erlang Based Queueing Systems: Complementarity, Equivalence and Their Implications", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 28, No. 6, 57-74, 1994.
[45] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Lead Time Uncertainty with Back-Ordering in Multi-Level Product Structures", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, 267-278, 1994.
[44] Gupta, S. M. and Taleb, K. N., "Scheduling Disassembly", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1857-1866, 1994.
[43] Gupta, S. M. and Melachrinoudis, E., "Complementarity and Equivalence in Finite Source Queueing Models with Spares", Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 21, No. 3, 289-296, 1994.
[42] Gupta, S. M., "Interrelationship Between Queueing Models with Balking and Reneging and Machine Repair Problem with Warm Spares", Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 34, No. 2, 201-209, 1994.
[41] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Customer Integrated Production System Analysis", Proceedings of the 1994 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 242-244, 1994.
[40] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "A Structured Analysis of Material Requirements Planning Systems under Combined Demand and Supply Uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31, N0. 7, 1689-1707, 1993.
[39] Gupta, S. M., "Duality in the Truncated Steady-State Erlang Distribution Based Queueing Processes", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 44, No. 3, 253-257, 1993.
[38] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "A Knowledge Based System for Combined Just-in-Time and Material Requirements Planning", Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, 157-174, 1993.
[37] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Uncertainty and Back-Ordering in Multi-Level Product Structures", Proceedings of the 1993 Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 328-330, 1993.
[36] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "The Performance of Materials Management in Multi-Level Product Structures with Demand Uncertainty and Back-Ordering", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1, 89-92, 1993.
[35] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Heuristic and Optimal Approaches to Lot Sizing Incorporating Backorders: An Empirical Evaluation", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 30, No. 12, 2813-2824, 1992.
[34] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Unraveling the Materials Management Process Using Simulation", Proceedings of the 1992 International Industrial Engineering Conference, 263-267, 1992.
[33] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Evaluation of the Influence of Combined Supply/Demand Uncertainties in Materials Management", Proceedings of the 1992 Northeast Decision Sciences Conference, 340-342, 1992.
[32] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "Lot Sizing and Backordering in Multi-Level Product Structures", Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1, 27-35, 1992.
[31] Gupta, S. M. and Brennan, L., "A Structured Analysis of MRP Systems Under Supply Uncertainty", Proceedings of the International Conference of the Decision Science Institute, 216-219, 1991.
[30] Brennan, L., Gupta, S. M. and Kavusturucu, A., "Modeling of Just-in-Time Systems Using a Rapid Modeling System", Just-In-Time Manufacturing Systems, edited by A. Satir, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 141-148, 1991.
[29] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Operating Characteristics of MRP Systems with Unstable Lead Times", Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Production Research, edited by P. F. McGoldrick, Taylor and Francis, 60-61, August 1989.
[28] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Development of an Intelligent Adviser as a Decision Support System for the Materials Management Function in the Manufacturing Environment", Expert Systems and the Leading Edge in Production and Operations Management, edited by K. R. Karwan and J. R. Sweigart, South Carolina, 303-310, 1989.
[27] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Designing a Materials Management Support System Using Artificial Intelligence and Simulation", Proceedings of the Conference on Practice and Theory of Operations Management (Logistique 89), Paris, 235-242, December 1989.
[26] Gupta, S. M., "Exploring the impact of reality on MRP performance", Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Science Institute Conference, Newport, R.I., 13-15, 1988.
[25] Gupta, S. M., "Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: A Microcomputer Approach", Software for Engineers and Managers, Vol. 2, edited by G.E.Whitehouse, I.E. and Management Press, 1987.
[24] Gupta, S. M., "Simulation of dependent demand items in multi-product inventory environment", Proceedings of the 1987 SCS Conference, Montreal, 513-516, 1987.
[23] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Simulation of Uncertainty and Product Structure in MRP", Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems and Robotics, edited by G. Arnovick, Simulation Councils, Inc. Publication, 39-43, 1987.
[22] Brennan, L. and Gupta, S. M., "Analysis of Some Factors Affecting MRP Performance", Supplement to the Proceedings of the IIE's 1986 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference, December 1986.
[21] Nathan, D. L., Gupta, S. M., Cullinane, T. P. and Bernier, L. J. D., "Decision Making on Candidate Alternatives Based on Intangible Selection Criteria Using a Microcomputer", Softcover Software, edited by G.Whitehouse, IE and Management Press, 143-153, 1985.
[20] Gupta, S. M., Berlin, G. N. and Remmer, N. S., "Policy Modeling for Emergency Evacuation of the Elderly and the Developmentally Disabled", System Science in Health-Social Services for the Elderly and the Disabled, edited by C.Tilquin, System Science Press, 691-694, 1985.
[19] Gupta, S. M., "Graduate Education in the People's Republic of China", Proceedings of the Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, 10-11, 1985.
[18] Gupta, S. M., "Solving The Assignment Problem by Microcomputer", Software for Engineers and Managers, Vol. 1, edited by G.E.Whitehouse,I.E. and Management Press, 1984.
[17] Gupta, S. M., "Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: A Microcomputer Approach", Industrial Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, 20-24, 1984.
[16] Gupta, S. M., Geyer, L. H. and Maalouf, J. A., "Effect of Font and Medium on Recognition/Confusion", Proceedings of CHI'83 Human Factors in Computing Systems, 144-149, 1983.
[15] Gupta, S. M., "Solving The Assignment Problem by Microcomputer", Industrial Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 10, 20-22, 1982.
[14] Gupta, S. M., "Robot Technology and Applications", Journal of Econotech, August 1982.
[13] Gupta, S. M., "Design and Analysis of a Complex Computerized Manufacturing Facility using SLAM", Proceedings of the Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, 152-154, 1982.
[12] Gupta, S. M., "A Simulation Model for Automated Planning and Optimization of Machining Conditions on Multi-Station Synchronous Machines", Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, 21-29, 1982.
[11] Geyer, L. H. and Gupta, S. M., "Confusion Matrices as a Tool for Print Quality Evaluation", Proceedings of the National Print Quality Conference, 263-270, 1982.
[10] Berlin, G. N., Dutt, A. and Gupta, S. M., "Modeling Emergency Evacuation from Group Homes", Journal of Fire Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 38-48, 1982.
[9] Mahajan, Y. L., Gupta, S. M. and Gupta, S., "The Demand of Health Care Services: Specification of Alternative Econometric Models", Systems Science in Health Care, edited by C.Tilquin, Pergamon Press, 427-435, 1981.
[8] Gupta, S. M. and Geyer, L. H., "Visual Search is Systematic", Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 25th Annual Meeting, 639-643, 1981.
[7] Geyer, L. H. and Gupta, S. M., "Recognition/Confusion of Dot Matrix Versus Conventional Font Capital Letters", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 29, 3, 280-282, 1981.
[6] Berlin, G. N. and Gupta, S. M., "Decision Support System for Emergency Egress Legislation", Proceedings of the Northeast American Institute for Decision Sciences Conference, 121-123, 1981.
[5] Gupta, S. M., Perry, R. F. and Berlin, G. N., "Impact of Facilities Design on Emergency Egress Potential", Proceedings of the AIIE's 1980 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference, December 1980.
[4] Gupta, S. M. and Geyer, L. H., "On Tactile and Visual Recognition", Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 27, 6, 579-580, 1980.
[3] Gupta, S. M. and Barash, M. M., "Machining Parameter Optimization for Multistation Synchronous Machines", American Society of Mechanical Engineering Paper No. 80-DET-60, 1-9, July 1980.
[2] Satia, J. and Gupta, S. M., "Designing an Optimal PERT Network: Precedence Relationships for a Desired Project Duration", Proceedings of the AIIE's 1979 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference, p. 436, 1979.
[1] Gupta, S. M. and Ravindran, A., "Optimal Storage of Books by Size: An Operational Research Approach", Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 25, 6, 354-357, 1974.