Zhenqi Yang, (PhD)
PhD (2010) Harbin Institute of Techology, China
MS (2007) Harbin Institute of Technology, China
BS (2005) Harbin Institute of Technology, China
e-mail: Z.Yang@ neu.edu
- Molecular dynamics modeling of energetic metal cluster impacts.
- Experimental characterization of eng. materials and structures under moderate strain rate loading with split Hopkinson bars system.
- Elastic and plastic wave propagation process in layered structure.
- Hypervelcity impact of metal particle on composite structure.
- Dynamic compression properties of nickel-based honeycomb sandwich and two-layered sandwich, Z. Yang, B. Pang, J. Shi, Journal of DYMAT 2009, pp. 303 - 309, 2009
- The effect on dynamic properties of reactive powder doncrete under high temperature burnt and its micro-structure analysis, L. W. Wang, B. J. Pang, Z. Q. Yang, Key Engineering Materials, pp 109 - 112, 2011.
- Analysis of debris clouds produced by impact of aluminum spheres with aluminum sheets, R. Chi, B. Pang, Z. Yang, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 87(6), pp. 1465 - 1472, 2008.
Publications on Conference proceedings:
- Numerical and experimental investigation for assessing the high strain rate response of nickel based multi-layered honeycomb sandwiches, Z. Yang, B. Pang, L. Wang, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter. 2009: 1435-1438.
- Dynamic properties and damage pattern of A95 ceramic under low impact velocity, Z. Yang, B. Pang, L. Wang, 4th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics. Singapore, 2009.
- An experimental investigation of debris cloud generated by hypervelocity impact of aluminum spheres with aluminum sheets, R. Chi, B. Pang, Z. Yang, Proceeding of 5th European Conference on Space Debris. Darmstadt, Germany, 2009.