♦ Dec. 2019, Our collaborative paper on "Fabrication of photonic microbricks via crack engineering of colloidal crystals" is published in Advanced Functional Materials!
♦ Oct. 2019, Lei's paper on "Fabrication of photonic microbricks via crack engineering of colloidal crystals" is published in Mechanics of Materials!
♦ Aug. 2019, Richard gave a poster presentation at the "Symposium of 3D Printing 2019" at Dartmouth College!
♦ Aug. 2019, Prof. Li gave an invited talk at the "Symposium of 3D Printing 2019" at Dartmouth College!
♦ Jul. 2019, Yunyao moved to New York for a new job. Congratulations for the new journey of life, Dr. Jiang!
♦ Jun. 2019, Our paper on " Shear resistance of an auxetic chiral mechanical metamaterial" is published in International Journal of Solids and Structures!
♦ Mar. 2019, Ben and Chao's paper on "Prediction of the Anisotropic Damage Evolution of Dry Common Millet (Panicum miliaceum) Seed under Quasi-Static Blunt Indentation" is published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics!
♦ Feb. 2019, Our collaborative paper on "Plant seed-inspired cell protection, dormancy, and growth for large-scale biofabrication" is published in Biofibracation!
♦ Dec. 2018, Hassan's paper on "Micropolar Modeling of Auxetic Chiral Lattices with Tunable Internal Rotation" is accepted in Journal of Applied Mechanics!
♦ Nov. 2018, Yunyao's paper on "Limiting Strain for Auxeticity under Large Compressive Deformation:Chiral vs. Re-entrant Cellular Solids" is published in IJSS!
♦ Nov. 2018, Congratulations to Yunyao! He has successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on "Design, Mechanical Experiments and Modeling on a New Family of Hybrid Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials with Negative Poisson's Ratio"!
♦ Nov. 2018, Congratulations to Lei on moving to MIT for a postdoc position!
♦ Oct. 2018,
Mona's paper on Mechanical Behavior of 3D Printed Biomimetic Koch Fractal Contact and Interlocking is accepted by Extreme Mechanics Letters!
♦ Sep. 2018,
Chao's paper on Mechanical Model of Bio-Inspired Composites with Sutural Tessellation is published in JMPS!
♦ Aug. 2018, Congratulations to Chao on moving to NTNU for a postdoc position!
♦ Aug. 2018,
Our seed coat research is on Science Update podcast from AAAS.
♦ Aug. 2018,
Our seed coat research is highlighted on NSF News!
♦ Aug. 2018,
Our seed coat research is highlighted on Materials Today!
♦ Aug. 2018,
Chao and Ben's paper is highlighted as the Inside Back Cover of Advanced Materials!
(Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.) Reproduced with permission
♦ Jul. 2018,
Chao and Ben's paper is now online in Advanced Materials!
♦ Jul. 2018,
Chao and Slava's paper on "Instability-Induced Pattern Transformation in Soft Metamaterial with Hexagonal Networks for Tunable Wave Propagation" is accepted by Scientific Reports!
♦ Jun. 2018,
Congratulations to Chao for successfully passing the Ph.D defense!
♦ Jun. 2018,
Congratulations to Lei for successfully passing the Ph.D defense!
♦ Jun. 2018,
Chao and Ben's paper,"Amplifying Strength, Toughness, and Auxeticity via Wavy Sutural Tessellation in Plant Seedcoats" is accepted by Advanced Materials!
♦ Jun. 2018,
Lei's paper on "Failure Mechanism Transition of 3D-Printed Biomimetic Sutures" is accepted by Engineering Fracture Mechanics!
♦ Mar. 2018,
Lei's paper on Predicting the Mixed-Mode I/II Spatial Damage Propagation along 3D-Printed Soft Interfacial Layer via a Hyperelastic Softening Model is accepted by JMPS!
♦ Jan. 2018,
Yunyao's paper is highlighted in Advanced Science News, http://www.advancedsciencenews.com/octopus-3d-printed-hybrid-metamaterial!/
♦ Jan. 2018,
Yunyao's paper on 3D Printed Auxetic Mechanical Metamaterial with Chiral Cells and Reentrant Cores is accepted by Scientific Reports!
♦ Dec. 2017,
Chao’s collaborative paper on crack-free anti-corrosive coating is accepted by Corrosion Science!
♦ Nov. 2017,
Kate and Lei’s paper on Mechanical model of suture joints with fibrous connective layer is published online at JMPS! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2017.11.014
♦ Oct. 2017,
Yunyao is on 'UNH today'!
♦ Oct. 2017,
Yunyao’s paper on hybrid auxetic chiral mechanical metamaterial is selected as the Front Cover of Adv.Eng. Mater.!
(Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.) Reproduced with permission
♦ Oct. 2017 Our group together with many UNH/ME mechanics researchers atteneded New.Mech Workshop at MIT!
http://2017.newmech.org/♦ Sep. 2017,
Yunyao’s paper on hybrid auxetic chiral mechanical metamaterial is published in Adv.Eng. Mater.!
♦ Aug. 2017,
Yunyao’s collaborative paper on 3D printed soft granular crystals is published in Soft Matter!
♦ July 2017 Our group atteneded SES in Boston!
♦ July. 2017 Congratulations to Mona on successfully defending her thesis!
♦ May. 2017 Welcome Hassan to join the group!
♦ May. 2017 Congratulations to Hassan on getting the CEPS fellowship!
♦ May 2017 Congratulations to Lei on advancing to Ph.D candidacy!
♦ April. 2017,
Lei and Yunyao’s paper on cranial suture is published in JBM!
♦ April 2017 Congratulations to Yunyao and Chao on advancing to Ph.D candidacy!
♦ Jan. 2017, Yunyao’s paper was selected as the Back Cover of Adv. Eng. Mater.!
♦ Jan. 2017, Ben, Chao and Joe’s paper on seedcoat is accepted in JMBBM!
♦ Dec. 2016 Yunyao’s paper is highlighted in Advanced Science News!
♦ Nov. 2016 Congratulations to Yunyao on winning the ASME/IMECE travel/best paper award!
♦ Oct. 2016 Mona gave a nice presentation on Koch fractal interface at New England Mechanics workshop!
♦ Sep. 2016 Chao’s IJSS paper on hierarchical wrinkling is online now
♦ May. 2017 Welcome Richard to join the group!
♦ May. 2017 Welcome Shengguang to join the group!
♦ Sep. 2016 Welcome Kate to join the group!
♦ Aug. 2016 Congratulations to Yunyao on presenting at ICTAM, Montreal, Canada!
♦ Jul. 2016 Welcome new postdoc Ben to join the group!
♦ Jun. 2016 Congratulations to Prof. Li on the ICTAM travel award!
♦ May 2016 Congratulations to Yunyao on getting his Master degree!
♦ Apr. 2016 Congratulations to Shengguang on getting the SURF summer fellowship!
♦ Apr. 2016 Congratulations to Joe on getting the fellowship for full six years on pursuing Ph.D at Notre Dame!
♦ Mar. 2016 Prof. Li got the NSF/CAREER award!
♦ Dec. 2015 Prof. Li got the DoD/AFOSR award!
♦ May 2015, Congratulations to Jasmine and Joe on getting NSF/REU funding!
♦ Apr. 2015 Congratulations to Emily, Stephan, and Carolyn won the Champion of the senior design projects at URC!
♦ Apr. 2015, Congratulations to Joe on getting the Prestigous Goldwater Scholarship!
♦ June 2014, Congratulations to Yunyao on getting the CEPS fellowship!
♦ Apr. 2014 Prof. Li got a NSF award on studying a Bio-inspired strategy for in-plane energy dissipation through suture interface!
♦ Jan. 2014 Prof. Li won the NSF Fellowship to attend the Advanced Manufacturing Workshop.
♦ Aug. 2013 Welcome Chao and Lei to join the group as Ph.D students!
♦ Jun. 2013 Prof. Li and Yunyao won the AFOSR/SFFP fellowship for a summer research at AFRL at Wright Patterson Air Force Base!