Percolation Theory and Forest Fires


Introduction to Percolation Theory?

Types of Percolation

Applications of Percolation Theory

Forest Fire Modeling

Finite Percolation Network

Applet of Simulation Animation


Types of Percolation

There are two types of percolation, depending how one views the lattice: site percolation and bond percolation.

In site percolation one views the lattice as a rectangular array of squares. Each square is populated by a dot, or is colored black below, with probabiility p (open square), otherwise closed with probability 1-p. A cluster is defined as set of neighboring squares that are open.

In bond percolation one views the lattice as a graph consisting of horizontal and vertical edges. Each lattice edge is open (boldfaced below) with probabiliy p, otherwise closed with probability 1-p. A cluster is defined as a lattice subgraph consisting of open edges.